
Malta Football Association – MFA
The MFA’s Mission is: “To organise, promote and protect the game of football in Malta and Gozo with respect to the laws of the game and without discrimination on grounds of race, colour or creed.” The MFA has all necessary capacities to manage the PROGRES project as it is a well-structured organisation with wide experience in sports projects, social inclusion project as well as working with students, refugees, vulnerable people, persons with disabilities, and all those who through football can improve their well-being, their quality of life and life-long education. The Association is ultimately an umbrella organisation for football clubs in Malta.
The Malta Football Association employs full-timers and has a considerable number of part-timers and volunteers who work in various departments. The Malta FA participates in a number of social inclusion projects using football related activities to enhance participation and inclusivity at all levels. This includes using the game of football in a number of situations to enhance participation, social networking, inclusion, integration and education to mention a few elements which are go beyond playing the game. Playing football is of course fundamental in all the activities which take different forms and are spread across the community. The key objective is always using football in all activities to compliment the needs of the end user: students, refugees, vulnerable people, persons with disabilities, and all those who through football can improve their well-being, their quality of life and life-long education.

Peter Busuttil
(Project Manager)
FSR Official; Bachelor of Arts in Education, University of Malta and Professional Qualification in Theatre, Scuola D’Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi, Milano

Andrea Jiménez
BA of History, University of Barcelona; MA in Cooperation for Development, NGOs and Public Administration, University of Granada. Currently, specializing in Migration field at the ECAH

The Football Association of Norway – NFF
Number of employees in Oslo (HQ): 95,1 (Full time and part time employees)
Regional employees (region): 112,5 (Full time and part time employees)
Network: Norwegian Confederation of Sports (NIF) – The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).
NFF’s vision “Football for All” obligates the organisation to take the necessary measures required for accommodation of fair and equal participation for all to play football. This vision naturally also includes gender equality, perceiving female players as a group deserving of equal access opportunities to football activities. This is an area of work NFF has an extensive portfolio of, and many best practice experiences to build on to ensure greater inclusion and equality in football as well as woman’s participation in football governance structures. Additionally, NFF’s international department currently administers three main projects tied to gender rights and girls’ empowerment in 6 countries in the South Eastern Europe/Balkan region and 8 countries in the Middle East and North-Africa. These projects have endured over several years and gives NFF’s international social responsibility department valuable experience with these working themes.

Anders Hasselgard
Head of International Development Cooperation; PhD in Sport and Development, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences; Master's Degree in Political Science, The University of Oslo, Bachelor's Degree in Political Science; The Norwegian University of Science and Technology Position in project Research

Hans Finstad
Special Advisor; Studies in Management

Erik Loe
Senior Adviser/ Commercial; Higher education in Economics, Organisation and Marketing

Football Federation of Macedonia – FFM
Our mission is to serve and to lead the Football Federation of Macedonia towards reaching the goals and to build an integrity based on successful leadership in order to preserve the game of football in its entirety; To protect and to care for the future of football, through straightening of the winning mentality and through enabling the pursuit of a career path to all of those that want to be part of the football game in North Macedonia. Our mission also is to open the doors of cooperation with the local and regional organizations, associations, clubs, leagues, viewers, supporters and all the other stakeholders that lead the game and support the growth, the development and the continuity of football. FFM is in a close cooperation with FIFA and UEFA, and our aim is to straighten the relations with these two organizations that have the crucial role in the football development, in the promotion of healthy lifestyle and in the education of young athletes, not just in North Macedonia and in the region, but also throughout the world.
The game of football in North Macedonia represents one of the biggest ambassadors, a promoter of fair play, of social inclusion, of healthy life style and education in our society. Our mission is to protect the values and the key principals of the game of football, such as integrity, diversity, dignity, laws of the game, the referees, the opponents and the supporters, and all with an aim to protect the true spirit of our game. Our vision is to become a respected football organization in our country and in the world, an organization that serves all the football stakeholders in our country. We are dedicated to the respect of the game of football and of our opponents through fair play, responsibility and respect for all the individuals, regardless of they are players, viewers, supporters, partners, or the society with its laws and the laws of the game, that represents our duty to the international football family.

Natalia Ilievska Bozhinovska
Head of the Legal Department of FFM; B.A. of Law, Former lawyer, Certificate from UEFA Women in Football Leadership Programme

Evgenija Milinovikj
Director of the sector for supporting of football activities; B.A. in Law (Faculty of Law – Saints Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje; UEFA Certificate and Diploma in Football Management (IDHEAP, Lausanne, Switzerland); Certificate from UEFA Women in Football Leadership Programme

Irena Bakrevska Miloshevska
(Administrative staff)
International Department and Social responsibility Manager; MESGO – The Executive Master in Global Sport Governance; UEFA Women in Leadership Programme, WFLP UEFA; UEFA Certificate for Football management (IDHEAP, Lausanne, Switzerland); B.A. in Psychology; Saints Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje – North Macedonia

Center for Cultural Development and Gender Studies – FILIA
We believe in an intersectional approach that will include the diverse needs and interests of women, in order to promote gender equality in all public and private spheres. We work for gender equality and equality of opportunities, focusing on gender-based violence, as well as work-life balance, discrimination at the workplace and access to health services. Working a lot with volunteers, through non-formal education and raising awareness, FILIA developed active groups of young women and men that promote gender equality and non-discrimination and who are engaged in defending women’s rights.
FILIA is member of the informal Network for preventing and combating violence against women involved in advocacy for better policies and in the last four years was involved in working groups with representatives from Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Superior Council of Magistracy in order to find the best solutions for modifying the legislation accordingly to the Istanbul Convention.
FILIA has significant experience on promoting gender equality in public and private entities and addressing the problem of under-representation of women in various fields of activity: politics, educational system, police and army force etc. It has run various campaigns to raise awareness regarding disparities between men and women in power structures and has taken some successful action to fight gender equality. For example, in the last parliamentary elections together with the Embassy of Spain, the Embassy of Sweden, the Netherlands Embassy, CeRe: the Resource Center for Public Participation and the National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men have organized a debate on methods to improve women’s participation in the 2016 parliamentary elections.

Andreea Braga
PhD in Political Science with a thesis on violence against women and intersectionality,
National School of Political and Administrative Studies (NSPAS). Master in Gender and Minorities policies and Bachelor degree in Political Science, NSPAS. Currently a student at the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest

Adela Alexandru
Associate teacher at the Faculty of Political Science of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest; Researcher in Gender studies; Currently PhD Student in the field of Political Science and Gender

Andreea Rusu
Executive Director; Bachelor degree in Political Science (October 2014 – July 2017), National School of Political and Administrative Studies (NSPAS), Political Science Faculty; Currently studying for a Master’s degree in Policies, Gender Equality and Minorities’ Rights, National School of Political and Administrative Studies (NSPAS), Political Science Faculty

TREK Development SA
In the area of urban/regional development, TREK is actively involved in a wide range of projects targeting mostly:
- Social inclusion – Employment – Employability
- Vocational education and training – eLearning
- ICT – eGovernment – Digital skills
- Entrepreneurship – Competitiveness – Innovation
- Urban regeneration
- Culture – Tourism.

Ektor Tsatsoulis
(Senior Project Manager)
Master of Researche (MRes) in Corporate Governane & Business Ethics.
BSc in Business Administration - Marketing Specialisation

Despina Antonarou
(Project Manager and Researcher)
Junior Project Manager, Monitoring, coordination and implementation of projects in the context of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes and other EC programmes (Interreg, Erasmus+, etc.); BSc in Applied Geology and Geophysics

Olga Gaitani
Junior Project Manager; Master of Science (MSC) in Engineering (Sustainable Cities); Master of Science and Bachelor in Civil Engineering

Fani Papakota
(Quality Assurance Manager/Researcher )
Project Manager; Advance Certificate in Project management and PMP; MSc International Business and Management

Universita Degli Studi di Modena e Regio Emilia – UNIMORE

Loris Vezzali
Full Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.; January 2017 to December 2019 he has been National Coordinator of the Section of Social Psychology of the Italian Association of Psychology; Dean of the Degree Course in at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; Editor in Chief of the Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, and Associate Editor of Group Processes and Intergroup Relations

Alessia Cadamuro
Associate Professor at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; In August 2007 she obtained a doctorate in General and Experimental Psychology at the Alma Mater Studiorum (Department of Psychology), University of Bologna, presenting a doctoral thesis on the relationship between cognitive performance and body posture

Tindara Addabbo
Full Professor in Economic Policy at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; Coordinator of Leading Towards Sustainable Gender Equality Plans in research institutions; Delegate for Equal Opportunities at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Sandro Rubichi
Full Professor in General Psychology Policy at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; Dean of the Degree Course in at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, member of the Commission for the National Scientific Licence (2016-2018); Member of the Research Commission of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia since 2010

Veronica Margherita Cocco
A PhD student in psychology. Her research interests include intergroup relations and prejudice reduction. She took part to many social projects aimed at promoting social inclusion of disadvantaged groups.

EUSA Institute – EUSA
EUSA mission is to maintain and develop regular communication between the national federations; to coordinate competitions, conferences, mass-sport-events and other activities; to represent university sport in general and the member federations in particular in relation to various European bodies; to disseminate throughout Europe the ideals of university sport in close collaboration with the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and other European organisations and institutions. EUSA is the licensing body for the European Universities Championships and European Universities Games, which are organised in alternating years.
EUSA supports and promotes education and sports and is a strong advocate of dual careers. Because university sport is much more than only competitions, EUSA strives for the development of all its aspects, including the social values and educational activities. Through the organisation and participation in various conferences, seminars, conventions and other similar events, we bring together different stakeholders to share good practice and establish strong network. EUSA is also a proud partner in projects and initiatives carried out by our partners, European institutions and agencies, receiving support by the European Commission, Council of Europe and other institutional bodies. Social responsibilities projects are one of the priorities in EUSA.

Andrej Pisl
Communications and Projects Manager; SportAccord Academy, Lausanne (Switzerland) Certified Sport Professional; Center for Citizenship Education / EIP Slovenia – School of Peace, Limbus (Slovenia) KOMPASS’ Council of Europe national Trainer for Human Rights; University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana (Slovenia) Bachelor of Arts – Teacher of English Language and Literature

Sara Rozman
Education and Development Manager at the EUSA Institute; University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Sociology, Ljubljana (Slovenia) PhD; University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Sociology, Ljubljana (Slovenia) Bachelor of Science in Sociology and Pedagogic
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.